Friday, August 27, 2010


Hi Everyone!

I wanted too express my feelings too you about living independently! I have discovered that since I've been on my own, I have done things that I thought were impossible for me too do! For example, keeping a clean apartment, cooking, and making sure that ALL the bills are payed on time!

I've also made many new friends since I've lived here! I've met about four people that are very nice! We go down too the community room and play cards! I also met a very nice woman, and her name is Sarah, who has M.S.! We have a lot of the same struggles but the are different and we fight too do everything POSSIBLE that we can for ourselves! I also have met a man named Joe who is also very nice!

Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Sclerosis have many similarities! You have muscle aches, and it's hard for you too move quickly!

I've enjoyed living on my own! My Mom would be "VERY" proud of me! I just would like too thank everyone that made this journey in my life possible!

Since I've lived on my own, I have made a small community of friends that I hope will last for years too come! This was partially the idea of me living independently, I would be self-sufficient, and make a network of friends too do fun things with, I guess it looks like that I accomplished my goal!