Thursday, April 12, 2012


Hi Everyone!

Today is the seventh Annviersay of my Mom "Vicky's" brain surgrey!  She was smart as a whip and she was a fighter like me!  My Dad "John" and I had dinner with that night!  Then I went home with my Aunt Marcia and Uncle John so my Dad could spend all the time he needed with my Mom!  My Aunt Marcia and Uncle John kept me for a week!

Before my Mom passed away my Dad hired Hospis too come in and take care of her! My relatives offered too take me as long as they needed too so my Dad could take care of my Mom!

A lot of my Aunt's and my best friend are like other Mom's too me!  They have stepped up too the plate in other words!  Which is very nice of them to do that!

My Mom was a remarkable woman and was smart as a whip, she also was on the honorole and was Valavictorian of her class!   She could do anything she set her mind too!  I helped my Mom too do Phyiscal Thereapy in her rehab!  Please dear reader's spend as MUCH time with your Mom as possiable and let her know how much she means too you!  You NEVER know when your precious time is up!

1 comment:

  1. What a great story! I'm sorry to hear about your mom.
