Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Hi Everyone! Today is the fifth anniversary of me moving into my own apartment! It's been a life changing experience for myself and my family! It has shown me that I can have my own independent adult life! I have made many friends, just think if I was living at home I NEVER would have got too enjoy and experience new opportunities that arise my way! It's a shame that my Mom Vicky or my Uncle John weren't alive too see me move in my own apartment and become the young independent woman I am today! I'm very pleased with my progress! It's NOT meant for disabled people too live in a world that is NOT designed to suit your needs! As a disabled person you have too make accomedations that are comfortable and easy for you! If people don't agree with the kind support and help you need then they are not meant to be in your life! I'm lucky that my family and friends agree too support my wishes, feelings, and include me in their lives because many people in my position are forgotten about or put in a nursing home because their families don't want too worry about them! So dear readers, if there's any way possible of being independent DO IT because you are only helping yourself, if you DON'T do it your are only harming yourself and not experiencing new horizons!

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