Monday, December 14, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I just wanted too wish ALL of you a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! My family and I usually have Christmas dinner and then open gifts and just celebrate the day together, play Christmas music on the piano and play Christmas CD's!

One of my Christmas wishes is too work on my independence, and hopefully I'll be in my OWN place in a few years! I hope ALL of you will think about doing the same, because if you DON'T learn how too be independent your life will NEVER be easy, so please take my advice!

Work your HARDEST on being self-sufficant and independent! I GUARANTEE you if you do that, your life will be MUCH happier! Don't always depend on someone else for help "DEPEND ON YOURSELF"! You are probably braver than you think are, you just have too try new things! Sure everything is scary at first, but if you NEVER try them you will NEVER succeed in becoming independent! Try everything yourself BEFORE asking someone else for help, I'm sure if YOU do that you'll find out how much you CAN do independently!

I hope you and your families have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I'll talk too ALL of you in 2010! Keep up the good work!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I am sad too say that today we lost a very special member of our family! We lost my Aunt Marcia's 10 year old Golden Retriever "Boomer"! He was a lovable dog to everyone that knew him! He would give you a great big snuggle and a lick on cheek to show that he loved you!

Sometimes people with Cerebral Palsy have what they call a Service Dog! Which usually is a Golden Retriever or a Chocolate Lab! People who work at specials schools for the disabled, disabled apartments, and Nursing Homes train the dogs and also train people with Cerebral Palsy or other disabilities too be self-sufficient and live on their own! Which is very frightening for someone with Cerebral Palsy!

Usually the dogs have too wear what they call a harness over their back and people are NOT allowed too pet them or touch them unless the owner of the animal says that it's alright for you to do so because the dog's main purpose is too help the disabled person live a normal life as possible!

We will miss "Boomer" dearly but we know that he is out of pain and in a very special place! Thanks Boomer for bringing so MUCH joy and love into every one's hearts and lives! You are,were, and always remembered as one of the GREATEST dogs in the world! "We love You and Miss You"!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hi Everyone!

My family and I had a very eventful weekend last weekend! We went too the home of my Dad's new wife's parents too visit them! I had a fun time, I went swimming in their in-ground swimming pool and hot tub, "which is in the house"! Then one day we went too the dollar store and I bought a few things I wanted!

Then we came home and had dinner, then the next day we were on our way home!

You should NEVER be afraid too try and do things that you enjoy! ALWAYS have fun when you can! NEVER dwell on the negative, always reach for the positive, if you do that, you will find your life can and will be MUCH happier and brighter!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hi Everyone!

Today is a very special day that I hold close too my heart! Today would have been my Uncle John's 61st birthday! He would be very proud of me for what I have accomplished! My Dad, his new wife, and I are looking into me moving into my OWN place! Sure, it's scary for me, but if you NEVER face reality and changes, you WON'T ever stop being afraid of life!

That's one of the things that my Uncle John always taught me, is that you work for what you want! You may NOT always get it, but at least you tried YOUR best!

He was a very GENEROUS man! He would help anyone in ANY time of need, he and my late Mom taught me a lot about the person I want too be!

If you don't get something prefect the first time, it's OK! Always try too improve yourself in anyway you can! If you need help, DON'T be afraid too ask! Family and friends are ALWAYS willing to help, YOU just have too be brave enough to ask! In return with asking family and friends for help YOU have too be willing to DO what you SAY you are GOING to do!

My Uncle John would be very proud too see how much I have accomplished and that I am the person who I am today because of it! I will NEVER stop learning ways to become independent! I find ways that are easier and the BEST for me! My loving friends and family are helping me succeed my goals in becoming a independent adult! That's all I can hope for!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hi Everyone!

My family and I went on a WONDERFUL vacation last week up North! We went fishing, swimming, and boating! It was just nice to relax and enjoy the week! We also celebrated my Dad's birthday while we were there! We also watched a lot of movies, played some C.D.'s and just had fun!

You should always take the advantage too enjoy your life whenever you can! The weather was BEAUTIFUL! One night we had a bonfire, smores and a glass of champagne on the pear and had a very fun boat ride to celebrate our vacation! So all in all we had a FANTASTIC week! I'm hoping we can do it again real soon!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Hi Everyone!

Today is a very special day that I hold very sacred in my heart! Today would have been my Mom "Vicky's" 54th birthday! I hope I have shown her how independent I've become! She would be very proud of me! I am where I am today because of her!

So please take my advice it's very IMPORTANT for you to become as independent as possible! Someday the people near and dear to our hearts are taken from us WAY too soon when we least expect it and we NEVER get too thank them for all that they have done for us! I feel bad because NOW I can't do anything in return too let my Mom know how special she really was, still is, and will always be!

So please, dear readers make SURE that you tell and show the people in YOUR lives how MUCH you appreciate ALL that they do for you! Also let them know that even if they have passed away they did a WONDERFUL job in helping you become the person that you are today!


Sunday, August 2, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I just wanted too let all of you know that I went too a baby shower for a close family friend! It was a very nice shower with food and drinks! My family, friends and I just enjoyed ourselves! We had a very nice meal, then after the meal, we had chocolate cake and cookies, then we all sat down too open gifts!

When I'm around family and friends I DON'T feel out of place because they accept for who I am! That's a WONDERFUL feeling, knowing that no one cares what you like or how long it takes for you too get some where or do something! ALL that matters too them is that you are having a good time together and you are part of the crowd!

Sometimes people with Cerebral Palsy feel out of place or that they shouldn't be allowed too have the same experiences and fun as everyone else, because they need EXTRA help! Also you feel very embarrassed and sometimes you're left out of things that you really like or want too do because you physically aren't able too do what everyone else is doing! In MOST cases people are NOT willing too help you, but I'm VERY lucky that I have people in my life who WANT and are WILLING too help me with whatever I need!

PLEASE everyone, take my advice, try something NEW everyday BY YOURSELF! Then you know you can and will accomplish whatever you want too do in YOUR life!

I also have some more GREAT news! For the FIRST time EVER I cooked a entire meal by myself, I felt very independent! If you DON'T try things that you are scared of you'll NEVER learn how too NOT be afraid of doing them! When I live in my OWN place someday I know I WON'T be afraid of cooking, cleaning, and go on with things in my own life because I have prepared myself for the obstacles that I will face! But that doesn't mean that I'll throw in the towel and say "this is too hard" or "I can't do this" ! The MORE times that you practice things that you WANT to learn, the better you'll get at doing them! The MORE often you do them WITHOUT anyone's help, you'll SOON figure out that you can do them "ALL BY YOURSELF",you'll feel GREAT about yourself and be a happier person inside because of it!

You should take NEW steps "EVERY DAY" on being independent and living "ON YOUR OWN"!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth of July! I couldn't go too the fireworks this year but my neighbors had a Fourth of July party at their house so I watched them shoot off fireworks from my kitchen window! Then I watched a Fourth July special on T.V.!

That's one of the BIG problems with having Cerebral Palsy or "C.P."! Is that you can't enjoy special events or activities without the help of a friend or family member! You can't MAKE someone help you, people help you because they want too! Besides people also want too be your friend! But please remember "there is a difference" everyone that is nice to you always isn't your "friend" they are just being polite to you!

Someone that is your friend calls or emails you on a regular basis and really takes a interest in what's going on in YOUR life! You also do things together with that person or those people! Someone that is an acquaintance is someone that you DON'T know real well, you just know who they are!

It's also hard for people with C.P. too make friends because they aren't able too go anywhere by themselves without someone taking them some where or without riding public transportation which can be very expensive! Sometimes people can't afford public transportation or it's NOT available where they live! So in order to go somewhere and do things, people have to depend on someone else! Besides someone may NOT want too take the time or they don't have the time too bring you where ever you need to go! But a lot of people in the world are nice people and they help out because they want too and that they are just nice people being polite!

Some people also want too take an interest in someone with C.P. because too them it's a WHOLE different world! Just as for people with C.P. it's a WHOLE different world for them to have a "NORMAL" life!

It's been a nice few weeks for my family and I! We've had lots of company! My family from out of state came too visit last weekend with their two adorable grandchildren! They arrived on Sunday and went back home on Friday!

So please dear reader's take my advice! Your lives can be a WONDERFUL adventure, you just have to be BRAVE enough to try new things! If you try something new EVERYDAY! You'll find that your lives will be MUCH easier and NOT as scary! The world can be a VERY scary place but if we give it best our best shot WONDERFUL things will happen when we least except it!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hi Everyone!

Today is a happy and sad day all wrapped up in one! Today is the fourth anniversary of my beloved Mom "Vicky's" death! Also we had a family member pass away and tomorrow is my Great Uncle's funeral! So it's been a difficult and trying few weeks for my family and I!

You should always be thankful for the family you have left because you NEVER know when your last day will be!

So that's why dear readers, it's VERY important for you to learn to become as INDEPENDENT as possible and learn to care for yourself as well as you can because your family aren't always going to be around too help and support you in your every need!

NEVER be afraid to try new things and if things are difficult and scary it's always ok to ask someone for help!

It's also very important that you have people in your life that you can talk with and can TRUST them too help you in any situation good or bad! I'm VERY lucky that I have special people in my life like my Dad, my Aunt, and my cousin's! Who TRUELY care about me and love for who I am and NOT what I look like!

If you ever want too live in your own place someday, it's VERY important for you to try something new every day! Sure things will be scary at first but if you NEVER try new things by yourself you'll NEVER succeed in becoming independent and live in your place and start a life for yourself!

So please dear readers always cherish and treasure the special people in your lives that mean the MOST too you because,you NEVER know when your last day will come!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I just wanted too let all of you know that the wedding that I told you about was WONDERFUL! Although it wasn't a nice day for a wedding, it poured down rain ALL day! So everyone got soaked! But it was a very nice celebration! I hope my Aunt Marcia and her husband Gordon "Gordy" will be very happy for years too come!

Dear reader's, you should NEVER be afraid to follow what your heart tells you! Dreams are WONDERFUL things to have in your lifetime! It doesn't matter if you're disabled or NOT you can always make your life better for yourself! Somethings are hard and difficult to accomplish, but guess what? Everyone has challenges in some form or another and we as people have too face some things we DON'T like and we have to MOVE on regardless of our disabilities and make our lives work for us the best way we know how!

So ALWAYS feel free to follow your dreams because you NEVER know someday the special things that mean the most to you might come TRUE Never be afraid to try new things, because if you never try new things you'll NEVER succeed in what you want to accomplish! It's up too YOU, how you live your life, no one else can make that decision for you!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I just wanted too let all of you dear readers out there know that my cousin's went out too the mall today! We had a ball hanging out together! We bought some things that we needed and some things we just bought because we felt like it!

Then we ate lunch in the food court! So all in all we had a AWSOME day together!

You should NEVER feel embarrassed or ashamed to do fun things with family and friends because of your disability! You should be thankful that you can go places and do things that you enjoy! A lot of disabled people can't drive, but just because you can't drive doesn't mean that you can't enjoy activities and have a fun-filled life!

It's always VERY important to have special people or a special person that you can rely on to help live a fun,active, and NORMAL life as possible! You should ALWAYS treat people with respect, because if you don't treat people with respect than no one will want too have anything to do with you!

I'm VERY lucky that I have special people,close friends and family that truly care about the real me, the person that's inside and NOT how I look on the outside! Having C.P. isn't fun for anyone, but when you have C.P. you just have to make the best of it! SURE things are difficult hard for you to accomplish, but if you try your hardest to be as NORMAL as possible your life will be a WHOLE lot different!

Please everyone take my advice, a disabled persons life can be hard and is very difficult for someone that's NOT disabled to understand and deal with at times, it also can be very stressful! But if you have a strong family network and strong friendships with people, your life doesn't have to be a scary place, with people that are willing to help you, you will be able to do things that you've always dreamed of doing that you couldn't do by yourself!

Also being disabled is a TOTALLY different world, than someone that is non-disabled or "NORMAL" "As I call it"! People truly don't have a clue on what a day to day life it is for someone with C.P.!

Everything I do, I have to think BEFORE I do it! It can be VERY frustrating and mading! It's also uncomfortable for me to ask people for help ALL the time! So that's why I'm lucky that I'm as self-sufficient as I am!

I'm VERY lucky that I have special friends and my loving family that likes me for who I am and NOT for what I look like! It doesn't matter to them if somethings take longer than they should, and they're willing to wait around and help!

Always remember this, just because you have Cerebral Palsy or any other disability, it doesn't mean that people have to or will wait for you, because guess what, they DON'T! I'm just very lucky that it doesn't bother my family and friends!

So all in all, PLEASE take my advice, if you do you'll find your life can be and will be a wonderful journey! YOU have to choose how YOU want you life to live your! No one can make that decision for you, you are the ONLY one that can make things easier for yourself!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I just wanted too tell all of you that yesterday my in-ground swimming pool was opened! I'm VERY happy about that! During the summer I invite friends and family over for pool parties and cookouts!

Usually after I have a LONG day of swimming, my muscles are EXTRA tried because in the pool they work differently or normally than they would on land! In the water I don't have too worry about falling or losing my balance, the water holds my body up on it's own because of the boyacy! So that's why I enjoy swimming SO much! Also when I'm in the pool I feel like I'm a totally different person! That's a good feeling!

It's also a WONDERFUL feeling not too have to worry about falling, or thinking constantly about how you are suppose too walk and hold your body up!

You see dear readers, whenever I walk with my canes or my walker I'm constantly having too think about every step I take! Also I have too be careful that I don't slip and fall! When the floor is wet or something is on the floor my canes just slip away from me and down I go! But when I use the walker I sometimes go faster and don't fall as much!

It would be easier to say I just give up and be done with it! But I don't look at C.P. that way! I've always tried and are still trying to be as normal and self-sufficient as I can be!

I can thank my late Mom for that! She taught me everything I know in order to take care of myself and be independent! She always use to tell me, that no one is going to do things for you, you have to learn how to do things for yourself! Sure enough she was right!

For some of my Physical Therapy I've had too use the swimming pool with a Occupational and Physical Therapist to help me loosen muscles that get tight, especially my legs! Also when I walk, my feet are turned out like a duck's! I have NO difficulty with my upper body, I just have difficulty balancing and controlling where my weight should be that's why I can't stand up myself! I need assistance from someone or something to help me! Like a walker or canes, ext!

I also go too Massage Therapy and that releases those tight muscles so I feel better and are NOT hurting constantly! When I am through with my Massage Therapist I'm worn out, because after she releases my muscles all my body wants to do is sleep! What Massage Therapy does is it makes your body loosen up so when you walk its much looser, easier, and NOT as painful! Also when I'm done with my Massage Therapist my feet are completely strait!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I just wanted too wish everyone an early "Happy Mother's Day"! It's very important for you too spend as MUCH time with your Mom as possible because you NEVER know when your last day could come! Let her know what a VERY important person she is in your life and thank her for ALL that she does for you! We take it for granted it but our Mother's do much more for us than we realize and we NEVER seem too thank them enough! So do something special for her in return! Then she'll know that she is being respected, thought of, and loved NOT just on "Mother's Day" but every day of the year!

Even if things are hard for you, and can't go out too the store and buy your Mom a gift, make her a special picture and card to say thank you! I'm sure she'll appreciate any gift that she receives! Gifts are always the BEST if they come from the heart!

I hope everyone enjoys a very special "Mother's Day" with their Mom's!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Hi Everyone!

What a beautiful spring day it is today! I would like too share some wonderful news with all of you dear readers out there! My Aunt Marcia is getting remarried! I hope she and her new soon too be husband Gordon "Gordy" share many happy and wonderful years together! I wish them ALL the best!

If there's ever a wedding your future, make SURE that you capture those special memories too make that day, one of the most important days of YOUR life as well! Never feel ashamed or embarrassed about meeting someone! Who knows, there might be someone that is special too you in the near future, you just have to be brave enough to go out into the world and meet people! Who knows maybe that special someone could change your life forever!

If that someone that you like doesn't pay any attention too you or tries to avoid you in anyway that he or she can, then I guess they're the right person for you! Guess what? There are other fish in the sea! You need someone that accepts you no matter what you look like or if you have Cerebral Palsy or NOT! You need a spouse that loves unconditionally for a lifetime!

You NEVER know, Mr. Wright could be just around the corner when you least except it! NEVER be afraid to follow your heart and dreams! That's always been a BIG dream of mine! Hopefully someday it will come true!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Hi Everyone!

It's that time of year again, for kids too be excited about Easter! Hunting for and coloring Easter eggs, plus eating LOTS and LOTS of chocolate! I hope everyone enjoys the special day with family and friends!

If you have Cerebral Palsy or any other physical disabilities, in order for you too go Easter egg hunting you may have too use a wheelchair or motorized kart to walk around in the grass! Also you might need help from family members or close friends!

So NEVER feel ashamed for what you CAN'T do but be happy for the things you CAN do! You are NO different than anyone else! If people look at you funny or in a odd way DON'T pay any attention too them because this also is your special holiday to enjoy with loved ones!

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hi Everyone!

It's a beautiful spring day today! The breeze is just a soft steady breeze, the birds are chirping, people riding their bikes, walking their dogs and just enjoying the day! In a few months my in ground swimming pool will be open and I can enjoy swimming ALL summer long!

When I'm in the pool and in the nice warm water my muscles move easily and I don't have a care in the world! For some of my therapy I've had to use the swimming pool to make sure that my muscles stay in shape and loose!

If my muscles get too tight I WON'T be able to walk, so its always very important that I keep my body in shape, otherwise my body won't work the way I want it too become very tight and immobile! !

I also take walks with my motorized cart in the summer! I've always worked the hardest I can work to stay OUT of a wheelchair and be as mobile and independent as possible! I plan too live in my own place someday!

You NEVER have to be afraid to try new things, because if you don't try things yourself first, how are you ever going to learn to live independently! I choose to try to learn something new everyday! Here are three examples, take out the garbage, do housework, and try too cook something! In order for a disabled person to live alone they have be able to know how to care for themselves and their environment, because someday their friends and family are NOT going to be around too help them and take care of their every need!

Here's my advice for people that need help from their loved ones! Before you ask for help in doing something, always try to do it yourself FIRST, if you DON'T try it before asking someone for help how will you ever to learn to accomplish your goals?

Friday, March 13, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I and my cousin's have gone to the Broadway series at the Coronado for the past four years! We really enjoy it! Last night we went to the show called "Movin'Out", "The Songs of Billy Joel", it was really AMAZING! I also invited my Dad's new wife too come and join us at the special event!

We had a GREAT time! We got home around 10:30 at night! The next day we were very tired and just wanted too kick back and relax!

You should NEVER feel afraid to do things that you enjoy, you should also be a part of special events! I really enjoy Broadway theater, you can always find something that interests you and participate in functions that you enjoy!

There's always a world of opportunity out there for you and the door is always open, you just have too be brave enough to go out into the world and make your life happy and exciting! Opportunities are NOT going too come too you, you have to go find them yourself!

The day also brought some joy into it because March 11 was the day of my Uncle John's passing! So all in all it turned out to be a happy day and that's what he would have wanted anyway!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hi Everyone!

Well, it's a rainy day in my neck of the woods! I would like too explain about how the weather effects your muscles when you have C.P.! When you have Cerebral Palsy or any other disability, the air pressure effects how your muscles feel that day!

If it's rainy, snowing, or very cold outside, your body doesn't move easily because it hurts too walk or move! If it's sunny and about 90 D. outside, your body moves easily and you have no problem!

Sometimes when you have muscle pain, you have to take pills, just so that you feel good that day! I just take things one day at a time and see how I feel!

The way your muscles WON'T hurt also depends on how your mood is that day! I choose too be a happy person and enjoy what life has in store for me!

Monday, February 16, 2009


My Aunt Marcia and I participate in the annual Ramp-Wheel-O-Thon every year! The Ramp-Wheel-O-Thon is an organization for people with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities too meet people and socialize together every year! This will be the third year in a row that we have done this!

It makes me feel good to know that I can help other people achieve their goals and become independent as possible! The Ramp-Wheel-O-Thon is a three mile walk along the river! Then after the walk there is a picnic lunch served along with raffle prizes that follow!

You can ask family members and friends to walk with you on the wheel-o-thon! You also ask them too sponsor you! If you receive many sponsor's your team raises money and if your team raises the highest amount of money then you win a prize!

Also after the walk there is a picnic lunch which is served and there is a raffle prize drawing!

I participate in this event because I want people with disabilities too not be afraid of the world and there is a life out there for people with Cerebral Palsy, you just have to not worry about what people think and you know that you are doing something positive for yourself! Plus it makes you feel good that you have accomplished your goals into becoming independent!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Hey Everyone!

I wanted too let all of you know that I went out too the movie theater with my cousin, her family and few of her friends until the wee hours of the night! Then we went back too her friends house too have snacks! We got back too my cousin's house around midnight! We had a BLAST!Then the next day my Aunt Marcia and I went too my second cousin's basketball game, then went back too her house for dinner!

Just because you have Cerebral Palsy doesn't mean that you have too give up on life! You may have too use equipment too get around like a walker or a wheelchair or motorized kart! Things may take longer than you would like them to but you have to accept your life for what it is!

You should NEVER feel sorry for yourself and say I can't do this or I won't do this because things are hard for me! When you have struggles and things are difficult you try to do everything as independent as you can! Also remember things are difficult for everyone NOT just you! You just happen too have struggles differently than other people! You a NO different than anyone else! You NEVER GIVE UP! If you ever want too live independently you have too take the annotative to try to do things yourself first before asking for assistance! If you NEVER try anything yourself, you'll NEVER succeed in becoming independent!

I choose to be as independent as possible, once in awhile it feels awkward too ask someone for help, even if they're a close friend or family member! I know they'll always help me if I ask them but they have their own lives as well, they aren't always able too put their life on hold to help a loved one! So that's why you have too not be afraid too try new things yourself!

NEVER feel ashamed of your disability, it's nothing bad or it's nothing anyone has done too you! It so happened that when you were born you had an injury too the brain and it's permanent!

You may have to have many surgery's, Occupational, Physical, and Speech therapies in order to live a normal life but you know what, if that what it takes for you to live a normal life as possible that's what it takes!, that's what it takes!

I'm fortunate that in my life I've had many surgery's and years of therapy that I can live a normal life as possible, it may not be my first choice but at least I'm walking, even if it is with canes and walker! So always be grateful for what you have achieved in your life and hold on too that because wonderful things could happen to you when you least accept! So NEVER give up! YOU'RE SPECIAL JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE YOU!

That's all for today!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I've spent many years learning to become independent! I try to do everything I can for myself without asking for any one's help first! I also think it's very important for people with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities too not be afraid of the world, and try too be self-sufficient as possible!

I've learned in my experience that life is not a box of chocolates, but when things get tough and difficult for you too do, that doesn't mean that you give up! You try to the best of your ability to achieve your goals!

I look at everyday as a new beginning and a fresh start! Sure walking with walkers, canes, and sometimes even using a wheelchair for long distances is NEVER fun for anyone but if that's what it takes for you too live a normal life as possible that's what it takes!

Don't EVER feel ashamed of your disability! Always remember that no one or nothing did this too you! The injury just happened when you were born! It's no one's fault, but somethings in life things happen and we have too accept whatever challenges we face!

If we have the proper care, and support from our loved ones we'll always be just fine!

Don't ever feel embarrassed too ask for help or assistance from a loved one! Your loved one doesn't understand your whole situation! But they will always try too help you and be there for you whenever times get tough!

It might good idea for you too explain too them some of the challenges that you face and then they'll be able too help you get involved in activities that you might want too look into! Like dancing, playing an instrument, playing sports etc. You can always express what you would like too do! They are ways for people with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities too always feel accepted!

You can join a function called RAMP that lets people with Cerebral Palsy live a "NORMAL" life! They go too movies, go out too lunch, go bowling, taking nature walks along the river etc!

So NEVER feel ashamed of your C.P. is not a bad thing, it could be a wonderful thing! People that have Cerebral Palsy are NOT bad or abnormal people, they just have more struggles than people without disabilities!

I'm more fortunate then a lot of people with C.P. because I'm very self-sufficient, I can walk, talk, and take care of my personal care all by myself! So in that aspect I'm very independent! I do need some help from my friends and family once in awhile and sometimes it feels uncomfortable too have someone help you ALL the time! But if that's what it takes for you to live a normal life as possible, that's what it takes!

That's all for today! Please check back for more upcoming events!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I've spent this weekend out on the farm having a blast! I've baked cookies, played the piano, and visited my Grandma and Grandpa! I stayed with my Aunt Marcia! My Dad and his new wife are on vacation for the week with our dog Bo, who is three years old and very cute!

I like to swim in my swimming pool and have cookouts in the summer! I've been taking piano lessons for seven years and become very well at the piano! It's something I really enjoy! I enjoy spending time with my cousin's as well!

I like riding go-karts and seadews,I like anything fast!

My favorite music band is the B-52's! I like a diversion of styles of music, anything from musicals too alternative rock too opera! My favorite singers are Celine Dion and Linda Ronstadt! I also enjoy pianist's Elton John, Billy Joel, Bruce Hornsby, and Jim Brickman!

When I was little I had many surgery's and physical, occupational, and speech therapy! In order for me too become independent! For the most part I'm very self-sufficient! I walk with stick canes and walker! I use a wheelchair for long distances and sometimes a motorized kart!

I also am huge musical buff! I love The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, Oklahoma, Carousel, and The Music Man! I also enjoy Broadway shows as well!

I've had too face many obstacles and challenges in my life that have been hard, but if you keep a positive attitude on life everything will work out as planned! But you get too decide on how you want too live you life! I choose too live my life as independent and self-sufficant as possible!

That's all for today! Please watch for upcoming events!